Parramatta Light Rail Stage 1 Success

TMA has been recommissioned by the Great River City Light Rail (GRCLR) consortium to provide transport modelling and signal optimisation advice following award of the Supply, Operate and Maintain Contract.

We had assisted previously for this bid and are excited that the GRCLR consortium was successful in winning this tender.

TMA has begun making subsequent post tender operational model updates to further refine and reflect the latest signal designs (TCS plans) and signal phasing operation. We look forward to working collaboratively with the broader team and the NSW Transport cluster to identify opportunities for further enhancements to deliver a world class light rail system.

The Parramatta Light Rail project represents a significant advance in Sydney’s transport future and we are committed to its success. We will draw upon most recent experience in providing transport modelling, traffic signal design and analysis services for the successful delivery of Canberra Light Rail Stage 1 earlier this year.

For more information of the Paramatta Light Rail program of works, please visit

For more information about our transport modelling and traffic signal design expertise, please contact us on 02 9590 7670 or