Flushcombe Road signalised roundabout upgrade

The busy intersection of Bungarribee Road and Flushcombe Road is a four-leg dual-lane circulating roundabout with pedestrian-activated signals at each leg.

We supported Blacktown City Council’s business case for funding through the Western Sydney Infrastructure plan to improve the safety and efficiency of the troublesome intersection.

We undertook microsimulation traffic modelling to assess the likely traffic impacts of several possible upgrade options from a roundabout to full signal control to smooth the flow of traffic. We collaboratively developed a final design with Council that improved performance from forecast Level of Service F to C. This was done through optimised signal operation and adequately providing the capacity to key movements with the minimise any property acquisitions.

We also identified wider network issues which could compromise the performance of the new intersection upgrade due to traffic spillback. We detailed the extent of these on the network and provided solutions to ensure continued satisfactory performance in the future.

Client: Blacktown City Council (BCC)