Ducks Lane Precinct Traffic Modelling and Planning

Goulburn Mulwaree Council required a strategic traffic management plan which focuses on the delivery of a suitable future road network, supported by appropriate traffic management measures for Ducks Lane and Run-O-Waters Precinct in Goulburn.

TMA undertook operational modelling of this mixed-used area (industrial, commercial and low-density residential) to analyse existing traffic conditions and characteristics with consideration of growth in commercial and industrial areas. We developed VISSIM microsimulation models to assess future traffic growth, assess future traffic conditions for a 20 year period, and propose future traffic management solutions. We also assessed the feasibility of several intersection upgrades to roundabouts and signal control and made recommendations for optimisations with respect to geometry and signal operation.

Supported through modelling outcomes, we identified future road connectivity requirements and recommended short, medium and long term options and their sequencing to ease congestion and support the Council’s Employment Land Strategy.

We presented our assessment and solutions for the future to the community through the use of storyboards and model videos.

Client: Amey (on behalf of Goulburn Mulwaree Council)

Northern Beaches Hospital Concept Design – Traffic Analysis & Modelling Advice

The siting of the proposed Northern Beaches Hospital (immediately adjacent to Wakehurst Parkway) in Frenchs Forest required an investigation of the traffic and transport implications that identified both the baseline conditions and likely operations at the year of opening and by 2036. Working within the client team TMA provided all aspects of traffic analysis and modelling advice that included additional survey specification (and analyses), final model calibration and validation, option development and model coding, results generation, presentation, and reporting. Working within RMS’s own project team TMA delivered key model outputs to the broader team to assist in arriving at preferred options to take forward to Gateway review and Value management.

Client: Roads and Maritime Services (RMS)

NorthConnex Thornleigh Modelling Assessment

We were commissioned to produce VISSIM microsimulation modelling assessments at Thornleigh to determine the hourly capacity of heavy vehicle movements (associated with construction works) at key intersections in the area. Our investigations revealed that by adjusting signal timings – and staggering the release of construction vehicles to/from the site to minimise disruptions – there would be sufficient capacity to handle the additional demand of about 20 construction vehicles coming in and out of the site at certain times of the day.

Client: Roads and Maritime Services (RMS)

Coffs Harbour Bypass Traffic Model Peer Review

We were commissioned by RMS to review the transport modelling work for the Coffs Harbour Bypass – one of the last sections of the $22 billion 700km Pacific Highway upgrade program.

TMA provided an independent peer review of the suite of traffic modelling tools used to inform planning for the Coffs Harbour Bypass. Models reviewed consisted of an EMME strategic model for demand forecasting, AIMSUN mesoscopic traffic network model to predict route choice and operational modelling and a microscopic simulation for local junction assessments and economic evaluation.

The Coffs Harbour Peer Review project required that we had an experienced EMME modeller working with an Aimsun modeller while also providing insights on data and land use assumptions, this project was successfully delivered by combining the right sets of skills in a 4 person team that included the following key roles:

  • Senior Emme Modeller/reviewer
  • Aimsun modeller/reviewer
  • Data Analyst/Land Use Assessment
  • Project Manager

The work was undertaken over an intensive two month period and called upon a review and filtering of extensive data sets (that resulted in a re-survey being requested) as well as reviews of a 626 zone EMME model and a 551 zone Aimsun microsimulation model.

Some of the key aspects of this job were to ensure that lessons learned during the peer review process were captured in the on-going modelling work without adversely impacting project programme while simultaneously providing the rigour required to satisfy Infrastructure NSW and the gateway review process.

Client: Roads and Maritime Services (RMS)

University of Tasmania Inveresk Campus Traffic Study

We were commissioned by pitt&sherry to deliver the University of Tasmania (UTAS) Inveresk Traffic study to analyse existing traffic conditions around the university, in the Launceston CBD and in the nearby suburb of Invermay.

We developed VISSIM microsimulation models to evaluate several options to improve the UTAS Inveresk campus relocation, as well as to gain a clearer understanding of surrounding road network operations. SIDRA Intersection was also used for refinement of intersection concept designs prior to modelling in VISSIM. This reduced the overall number of model runs required, thereby reducing time and cost.

Future year demand development was undertaken using the matrix correction algorithm known as TFlowFuzzy in VISUM.  As compared to other matrix correction algorithms, TFlowFuzzy can combine link volumes, turn volumes, screen-line volumes and trip distribution patterns resulting in a holistic and reliable traffic forecast.

Client: pitt&sherry

St Leonards South Strategy

Lane Cove Council is undergoing a master planning process for the St Leonards South precinct of Lane Cove LGA to consider future planning constraints and opportunities in conjunction with the interests of the local community. The master planning process is being considered alongside the existing commercial land intensification adjoining the Pacific Highway on either side of the railway line and traffic impacts of these developments together with implications of the masterplan implementation are being assessed using microsimulation software.

We undertook investigations of various masterplan configurations within the St Leonards South Strategy Area and outlined the results of increasing the master plan development scenario from the originally proposed 2000 dwellings to up to 5000 dwellings (as proposed by the Woods Bagot development proposal). The modelling assessments were undertaken for both the AM and PM peak periods for the development scenarios.

Client: Lane Cove Council

Buckley Street Essendon Level Crossing Removal: Traffic Model Peer Review

We were commissioned by GTA to do an independent peer review of a traffic impact assessment (TIA) commissioned by Victoria’s Level Crossing Removal Authority (LXRA) for a road-under-rail proposal at this site in Melbourne. Our review included an assessment of the data used for the project; support to GTA in identifying discrepancies in the transport modelling approach; and advice on how to progress the TIA.

Client: GTA Consultants

Manly Oval Car Park Traffic Assessment Review

We were commissioned by Roads & Maritime Services (RMS) to review a Paramics microsimulation model to help Manly Council (now Northern Beaches Council) assess the impacts of the proposed car park at Manly Oval. Manly Council had commissioned a model of the Manly town centre and its surrounding road network. Our role was to audit the microsimulation and SIDRA modelling and comment on whether the models were fit-for-purpose. We compared the model assumptions and model development process to industry best practice and commented on whether the models had been developed in accordance with the RMS’ Traffic Modelling Guidelines. We also commented on the traffic assumptions and car park operation more generally and highlighted any issues or non-conformances we identified during our audit.

Client: Roads and Maritime Services

Westfield Inaloo Stage 1 Redevelopment: Modelling Peer Review

We were commissioned by the WA Department of Transport (DoT) to review modelling work done to support a Westfield shopping centre expansion in the Perth suburb of Innaloo. Our review examined the transport planning assumptions and Aimsun modelling done by Aurecon as part of the nearby Karrinyup Mixed-Use Development. The focus of our review was on the models and supporting documents that accompanied the development application. We also commented on the traffic generation rates and broader transport planning methodology the modellers had adopted to derive their future traffic figures. We found several minor and medium severity issues with the model that the modeller could address. For example, we questioned the relevancy of Saturday surveys (used as the basis for all traffic generation estimates for the future expansion) done during a school holiday period that would likely lead to a significant under-representation of existing traffic.

Client: Department of Transport, Western Australia

Canning City Centre Model Audit

We were commissioned by the City of Canning in suburban Perth to review the general modelling approach – including an audit of the models adopted – of the consultant who produced the Movement Access and Parking Strategy (MAP) as part of the area’s City Centre Structure Plan. As these models provided critical insight into the impacts of future road network scenarios, the WA Department of Transport (DoT) requested a peer review of the work to make sure the consultant had applied a robust modelling methodology. Our review of the models showed that the study area was appropriate and the modelling approach generally sound. However, we did conclude that the modelling consultant should provide some additional information, fine-tune the signal green times and offsets to reflect SCATS operation, and consider the impact of recent train timetable changes in its base models. We concluded that the modelling would be fit for purpose once the consultant addressed these points.

Client: City of Canning